we walk
march 20th 2021 - january 8th 2022
we had an idea… that simply coming into communities on foot, vulnerable and open, carrying everything we need on our backs, and engaging positively and non-judgmentally with the folks living there, our interactions will spark the kind of interest and curiosity that can lead to thinking more creatively and critically.

final walk stats
miles walked
showers taken
states visited
# of days walking
litter collected
37,365 pieces
nights in tent
avg. miles per day
pieces of litter picked across the country
march 2021 - january 2022
final count: 37,361 pieces!
walk events
other past programs
July 16th, 2021 — Mobilize Green: Community Event Planning Workshop
June 25th, 2021 — Mobilize Green: Career Panel Presentation
May 14th, 2021 — AEOE (Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education): Spring Statewide Conference
April 21st, 2021 — YMCA Earth Service Corps: Environmental Symposium
March 26th, 2021 — This Way to Sustainability Conference: (CSU Chico)
a central focus of this project is not only picking up trash, but also documenting the trash we pick up using the One Piece A Day smartphone app. together, we can build a global litter data set that will be useful in solving the root problem of litter: the production of single-use plastic and styrofoam in the first place.