atlanta, georgia
food walk on sunday may 23rd, 2021
on wednesday may 19th, 800 miles and 60 days into the trip, we finally reach atlanta, georgia. at this rate we are walking 400 miles a month!
while in atlanta we meet and interview william thught, a published author and poet, regarding his creative process, where he draws motivation and much more. thursday through saturday we pick up trash, rest and explore the beautiful art spaces throughout the city.
atlanta is thriving with a community that communicates advocates and takes care of each other. here, this looks like community gardens, bike-able and walkable streets, strong mutual aid reports and political engagement. it is also unique how much freedom of expression there is in atlanta. like most cities it has complex challenges that call for proactive management.
on sunday, we.grow.eco and three volunteers helped pass out 50 burritos to folks without homes and they loved them! a special shout out to latoya foster who paid for all of the burritos ingredients!