
alternatively, checks can be made out and mailed to:

1807 second street, suite 72

santa fe, nm 87505

with each donation of $30 or more you help a student learn about litter reduction through art and science.

thank you for your supporting

our hand-made journals are made from 100% upcycled materials. they are hand crafted & the paper is hand-made in house or upcycled. only 40 - 60 journals are made per month. each one is unique.

your donation helps fund our most prioritized organizational goals for 2024, which include:


  • process and analyze data collected and determine possible uses and improvements to data collection process in collaboration with other platforms

  • produce quantitative feedback in the form of a dataset of litter that can be used through legal and policy action to address a primary root of our environmental crisis: our over-reliance on single-use plastic and our limited options of consumption of basic human necessities, like food and water.

  • general operational and equipment cost for program development and employment


  • financially support art and education experiential instructors to implement our S.T.E.A.M. based citizen science project that encourages students in a classroom setting (k-12) to pick up and document at least one piece of litter per day for at least 2 weeks of the school year.

  • provide professional development workshops for environmental education & conservation corps organizations.

  • continue building an action-oriented coalition focused on consumer habits & corperate accountability through the lens of art, education, and conservation.


  • plan and develop for our next frontline project “ The North American Trek”

community unification.

  • support artist that participate in the “save the ugly music festival”. a zero waste event that celebrates experimental art through music.

  • fundraise $10,500 so that we can purchase a hollander beater which will allow us to process clothes into paper more effectively.

  • provide meeting spaces for local, small grassroots organizers.


  • materialize the the conversations and footage from ‘the walk’ into a film and a podcast

  • subsidize for our paper making summer artist residency.

 check out how your previous donations have helped make this project possible.

privacy policy

we keep your personal information private and secure. when you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. we use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your account.